Why workXid? – workxid

Why workXid?

Jim Steketee
3 min

The mobility of today’s workforce is the very heart of the Construction Industry. The skilled workers that are working a site today can be working a hundred miles/kilometres away tomorrow. This flexibility makes the Construction Industry so effective, which has garnered the respect of those relying on it.

Unfortunately, there is much duplication and waste in the process of mobilizing this workforce.

The workXid System has been specifically designed to address the areas where the present methods of worker processing consume resources and cause frustration for the parties involved.

The current workforce processing system results from many years of solutions to many different issues. It has been effective in the past and has addressed the needs of the times. Today, however, it has become cumbersome, inadequate, and expensive.

Everyone, from Employers, Contractors, Training Agencies, and Union Representatives to individual workers, has felt the frustration of dealing with the present system. Stacks of cards and paperwork are required to prove trade status and training certification, on-site training is often duplicated — sometimes within days, and time and money are spent by Employers, Contractors, Training Delivery Agents, and Unions processing and tracking the workforce.

workXid is designed to do precisely that: expedite the processing of worker trade and certification information, making it faster, more efficient, and much more cost-effective.

The beauty of the workXid System is the app itself. A simple “scan” of each workXid card grants access to every necessary piece of information (Data Object) about the cardholder, such as:

Data ObjectData ClassData Access
EmployerPublicQR code scan
Photo IDPublicQR code scan
Given Name & InitialsPublicQR code scan
Industry SectorPublicQR code scan
Occupation/TradePublicQR code scan
Job TitlePublicQR code scan
CertificationsRestricted/ArchivableRoles provided with card checking
Trade EndorsementsRestricted/ArchivableRoles provided with card checking
Safety TrainingRestricted/ArchivableRoles provided with card checking
Email IDRestrictedRoles – Only Registered Administrators
TelephoneRestrictedRoles – Only Registered Administrators
Full AddressRestrictedRoles – Only Registered Administrators
Emergency Medical Profile
– Date of Birth
– Medical Alert
– Emergency Contacts

Roles – Only Registered Administrators and Safety Officers
Data Object Examples

Certifications, Endorsements, Safety Courses, etc., the database is capable of handling all this and being fully expandable for the future. The initial information will be gathered through the workXid web-based application form, filled in by the worker, who will provide confirming copies of their certificates and paperwork and enter them into the database at the time of onboarding or through a registered administrator of the system.

We have also included the ability to “archive” personal information that only the cardholder can release upon request, as we value privacy and security. All items marked “public” appear on the card itself when scanned initially, and those marked “Archivable” can be cardholder managed to remain hidden until released (unarchived) only with their permissions.

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